MAY 29, 2020

OPDS Resolution No. 217/2020: pathogenic waste – activity monitoring.



Environmental Law Department report | OPDS Resolution No. 217/2020: pathogenic waste – activity monitoring

Dear Sir or Madam,

By resolution No. 217/2020 the Executive Board of the Province of Buenos Aires Sustainable Development Agency (OPDS) established that the generators, transporters, and operators of pathogenic waste, as well as industrial laundries, must file a daily report to OPDS on the activities and operations they carry out. The purpose of the regulation is to allow adequate monitoring of operations and to adopt the preventive measures that are necessary to avoid contamination and guarantee the preservation of the environment.

Resolution No. 217/2020 approves four forms for industrial laundries, generators, transporters, and operators of pathogenic waste, through which they must register their operations, indicating the general data of the establishment and amount of waste, workers involved, etc. These forms must be generated daily through the digital platform created for this purpose

This resolution was published in the Official Gazette on May 28, 2020.


Angeles Murgier