MARCH 27, 2020

Resolution No. 78/2020 of the Ministry of Transport: transit permit for essential activities.



International Trade & Customs Department Report | Resolution No. 78/2020 of the Ministry of Transport : transit permit for essential activities.

Today, Resolution No. 78/2020 issued by the Ministry of Transport was published at the Official Gazette. This Resolution approves the certificate -an affidavit- that the operators involved in the essential services and activities described in sections 6.15, 6.18 and 6.21 of the Decree No. 297/2020 and 1.2 of the Administrative Decision No. 429/2020 shall bring with themselves so as to be able to circulate freely, in the framework of the “Mandatory Social and Preventive Isolation Measure” due to the coronavirus (COVID-19).

In this sense, the activities and services for which the certificate is necessary are:

(i) Unavoidable activities of foreign trade;

(ii) Public passenger transport and transport of goods, oil, fuel and gas;

(iii) Postal service;

(iv) Production and distribution of biofuels.

Find a copy of Resolution No. 78/2020 in this link.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any further clarifications or comments.


Augusto Vechio