MARCH 27, 2020

Resolution 303/2020 of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (“ENACOM”): new measures for telecommunications companies and licensees of ICT services.



TMT (Telecoms, Media & Technology) Department Report | Resolution 303/2020 of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (“ENACOM”): new measures for telecommunications companies and licensees of ICT services. 

On March 24, Resolution No. 303/2020 of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (the “Resolution”) was published in the Official Gazette, through which certain measures were established for telecommunications companies and licensees of ICT services as a result of the Mandatory and Preventive Social Isolation provided by Decree No. 297/2020 on March 20.

The Resolution establishes a waiver for telecommunications companies while the Mandatory and Preventive Social Isolation lasts, in the fulfillment of their legal, regulatory and contractual duties regarding the effective provision of services to clients and users in case such duties imply disregarding the specific recommendations for workers in the telecommunications sector set forth by General Management Provision No. 3/2020 SRT.

Likewise, the Resolution establishes that ICT services licensees must completely suspend customer service, and all their Commercial Offices must be closed while the Mandatory and Preventive Social Isolation lasts. In this connection, they must implement an electronic system for commercial attention and emergency claims.

Finally, the Resolution exempts ICT services licensees -while the Mandatory and Preventive Social Isolation lasts- from fulfilling their legal, regulatory and contractual duties regarding the effective provision of services to clients and users for cases in which the procedure requires the physical presence of users and clients.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us should you require any additional information on this matter.


Emilio Beccar Varela
Florencia Rosati