DECEMBER 16, 2020

Intellectual Property – Law No. 27.588: Copyright – Changes. Exemptions to the payment of royalties. Accessibility for persons with sensory disabilities.



Intellectual Property – Patents & Trademarks Department Report | Intellectual Property – Law No. 27.588: Copyright – Changes. Exemptions to the payment of royalties. Accessibility for persons with sensory disabilities.

Law No. 27,588, published in the Official Gazette on December 16th, 2020, amends Intellectual Property Law No. 11,723. The main amendments introduced are related to the establishment of exemptions to the payment of royalties in the following cases:

(i) in the representation, performance, and recitation of literary or artistic works already published, in public events organized by educational establishments, linked to the fulfillment of their educational purposes, plans, and study programs, provided that the show is not broadcasted outside the place where it is performed and the attendance and performance of the interpreters is free of charge;

(ii) the performance or interpretation of musical pieces in concerts, auditions, and public performances by orchestras, bands, fanfares, choirs, and other musical organizations belonging to institutions of the national State, provinces, or municipalities, provided that the attendance of the public is free of charge; and

(iii) in the reproduction, distribution, and making available to the public of works in formats accessible to blind persons and persons with other sensory disabilities that prevent conventional access to the Work, provided that such acts are made by authorized entities. This exemption extends to the right of publishers of literary works.

Additionally, Law No. 27,588 creates a catalog of works in an accessible format to have a national repertoire of such copies and facilitate their national and international exchange.

Click here to access the full text of the regulation.