MAY 14, 2020

Ministry of Production – Mining Secretariat: Resolution No. 23/2020.



Mining Department Report | Ministry of Production – Mining Secretariat: Resolution No. 23/2020

Dear Sir or Madam,

The purpose of Resolution No. 23/2020 is to extend until 05/24/20, the suspension of face to face filings related to the benefits of the Mining Investments Law No. 24,196 (“LIM”), as provided by Resolution 8/2020 and its amendments issued by the Mining Secretariat (the “Suspension of Face to Face Filings”).

It is necessary to bear in mind that Resolutions No. 8, 9, and 14 of the Mining Secretariat suspended (i) all face-to-face filings -which were usually carried out in hard copy paper format- related to the provisions of the LIM, and (ii) the deadlines that the National Directorate of Mining Investments and its dependencies had to review a filing.

Resolution No. 23/2020 suspends all deadlines that the National Directorate of Mining Investments and its dependencies have to review a filing, within the procedures related to the enforcement of the LIM, without prejudice to other deadlines whose determination corresponds to other jurisdictions outside the Mining Secretariat, which will continue their normal course unless the Competent Authority provides otherwise.

According to Section 3, this suspension does not hinder the full validity and enforceability of the acts, proceedings and other formalities practiced or those that are practiced from now on in the orbit of the Mining Secretariat and its competent dependencies.

Regarding this new extension of the Suspension of Face to Face Filings, it is worth mentioning that according to recent Resolution No. 15/20220 dated 04/28/2020, companies may use the Platform for “Remote Procedures” (TAD) of the Electronic Document Management System (GDE), to make filings in those procedures that are enabled in electronic format as of the date of this Resolution.

In which case, it is worth to keep in mind that, according to Resolution No. 15/2020, Section 5, in case a certificate has been requested face to face prior to the Suspension of Face to Face Filings, then such requests will be considered withdrawn in case the certificate is requested again through the TAD platform.

Resolution No. 23/2020 will become effective since 05.14.2020.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information on this matter.


Marcos Moreno Hueyo
Dolores Reyes