APRIL 14, 2020

Public Law Department Report | Administrative Decision No. 490/2020: new services and activities to be considered essential during the emergency.



Public Law Department Report | Administrative Decision No. 490/2020: new services and activities to be considered essential during the emergency

Dear Sir or Madam,

Within the state of sanitary emergency currently in force, on April 11, 2020, the Federal Chief of Staff issued Administrative Decision No. 490/2020, through which new services and activities were considered essential and, therefore, excluded from the mandatory isolation measure stated by Decree No. 297/2020. Said activities are the following:

a) Short walks for disabled people and those included in the autism spectrum, accompanied by a family member. Said walks shall be within a short distance from their homes.
b) Professionals assisting disabled people and those included in the autism spectrum.
c) Bank activity with public attention and previously assigned turns, within the frame of the regulations, established set forth by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.
d) Mechanic workshop for maintenance and reparation of vehicles, motorcycles, and bicycles, exclusively for public transport, security, armed forces, vehicles destined to health assistance or people with circulation authorization.
e) Selling spare parts for vehicles, motorcycles, and bicycles, only with door-to-door delivery modality. No public attention is allowed.
f) Production, buying and selling of tires exclusively for public transport, security, armed forces and vehicles destined to health assistance or people with circulation authorization.
g) Selling of library and informatics articles, exclusively with door-to-door delivery modality. No public attention is allowed.

In all of the said cases, people must follow sanitary recommendations and instructions, including special protocols and shift works, among others.

All of these services and activities must obtain the Unique Certificate for Circulation – COVID-19. Those included in points a) and b) must take with them the corresponding personal ID and either a Disability Certificate or a medical indication for the need for short walks. This last indication might be issued digitally

Please do not hesitate in coming back to us should you have any queries.

Kind regards,

Juan Antonio Stupenengo
Florencia Cairella