APRIL 04, 2020

Administrative Decision No. 450/2020 of the Federal Chief of Ministers: new services and activities to be considered essential during the emergency.



Public Law Department Report | Administrative Decision No. 450/2020 of the Federal Chief of Ministers: new services and activities to be considered essential during the emergency.

Within the state of sanitary emergency currently in force, on April 3, 2020, the Federal Chief of Ministers enacted Administrative Decision Nro. 450/2020, through which it included new exceptions to the Mandatory Social Isolation Measure stated by Decree Nro. 297/2020. Said activities are the following:

a) Construction materials sold by builders merchants;
b) Activities linked to mining and forestall production, distribution and commercialization.
c) Tanners, sawmills and industries constructed with wood, fabrication of mattresses, vial and agricultural machinery.
d) Activities related to international commerce: manufactured products for export and import of products considered as essential to the functioning of the economy.
e) Exploration, prospection, production, transformation and commercialization of nuclear fuel.
f) Essential maintenance services and fumigation.
g) Mutual and credit cooperatives, with only minimum attention in order to assure the functioning of the credit and payment systems.
h) Registration, identification and documentation of people.

Administrative Decision Nro. 450/2020 also specified that (i) the exception provided in Article 6, Subsection 14, of Decree N° 297/2020 –related to telecommunications, internet and digital services–, also refers to servers maintenance services, and (ii) the exception provided in Subsection 7 –related to funerary and cremations services–, shall also include the provision of the required material for such services.

All of the new essential services and activities must obtain the Unique Certificate for Circulation – COVID-19, stated by Administrative Decision Nro. 446/2020.

Please do not hesitate in coming back to us should you have any queries.


Juan Antonio Stupenengo
Florencia Cairella