APRIL 20, 2020

Acuerdo Extraordinario de la Sala de Feria de la Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Comercial: Fuero Comercial – Marco reglamentario para implementar el “Procedimiento de recepción de demandas, interposición de recursos directos y recursos de queja ante Cámara”.



Litigation Department Report | Extraordinary Order of the National Commercial Court of Appeals – Commercial Jurisdiction – Legal framework to enforce the “Procedure for the reception of claims, direct appeals and appeals of complaint remedies before the Chamber” – Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Dear Sir or Madam,

Due to the public health emergency that Argentina is going through, in order to ensure the exercise of rights in Commercial jurisdiction, on 04.19.2020 the National Commercial Court of Appeals issued an Extraordinary Order regarding the enforcement of the “Procedure for the reception of claims, direct appeals and appeals of complaint remedies before Chamber” (approved by the Order No. 12/2020 of Supreme Court).

The Extraordinary Order disposed that, in accordance to the Order No. 12/2020 of Supreme Court: (i) only urgent claims which do not admit any delay could be filed, and those claims will be under the exclusive competence of the court on duty, without prejudice to the cooperation that could be required of the natural judge, and (ii) that the natural judge will be able, in accordance with the remote working regime, to continue the proceedings filed before the extraordinary judicial recess, provided that the whole records in the file are digitized, always safeguarding the right of defense.

Please, let us know should you require any further information on this matter.


Federico Sosa
Martín Gastaldi
Gonzalo García Delatour
Eduardo Güemes