AUGUST 22, 2019

Export control regime update.



International Trade and Customs Department report: Export control regime update.

Dear Sir or Madam,

On August 13th, 2019, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Production and Labor and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued Resolution No.52/2019, updating the Export Control Regime regulated by Decree No.603/1992.

This amendment replaced the five annexes of Decree No.603/1992 that listed the products subject to the Argentine export control regime, incorporating the latest international standards in the topic.

The update consists in:

1. Incorporating the latest update of the group of experts of the Missile Technology Control Regime from March 2018, as Annex A now titled “Annex of Equipment, Software, and Technology of the Missile Technology Control Regime”.

2. Incorporating the latest update of the control lists of the Australia Group, including as Annex B the “List of Dual-use chemical manufacturing facilities and equipment and related technology and software”, the “List of Dual-use biological equipment and related technology and software”, the “List of Human and Animal Pathogens and Toxins”, and the “List of Plants Pathogens”.

3. Incorporating the latest guidelines of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, including as Annex C the new “Guidelines for nuclear Transfers” and the new “Guidelines for transfers of nuclear-related dual-use equipment, materials, software, and related technology” in addition to the “List of Nuclear and Nuclear-use Products”.

4. Incorporating the latest update of the plenary meeting of the Wassenaar Arrangement, including as Annex D the “List of Military Materials”, and as Annex E the “List of Dual-Use Goods and Technologies”.

It should be noted that exports of any of the products mentioned in these annexes must obtain an export licence issued by the National Commission for the Control of Sensitive Exports and Military Materials.

Find a copy of Joint Resolution No.52/2019 in the following link:

Do not hesitate to contact us for any further clarifications or comments.


Augusto Vechio