APRIL 17, 2020

Domestic Trade Secretariat Resolutions No. 113/2020, No. 114/2020 and No. 115/2020 | Extension of deadlines suspension | Prices of certain sanitary items



Competition & Antitrust Report | Domestic Trade Secretariat Resolutions No. 113/2020, No. 114/2020 and No. 115/2020 | Extension of deadlines suspension | Prices of certain sanitary items

Dear Sir or Madam,

Resolution No. 113/2020 extends the suspension of terms that had been established in Resolutions No. 98 (03.18.2020) and No. 105 (04.02.2020), until April 26th. Those resolutions had declared the suspension of all terms corresponding to the ongoing administrative proceedings related to Laws No. 19,551, No. 22,802, No. 24,240, No. 25,156, No. 26,993, and No. 27,442.

Resolution No. 114/2020 orders all agents of the commercialization chain to revert prices of certain sanitary items (including body contact thermometers and non-surgical or single-layer masks) to the to those effective on March, 6th, and to display the price lists in the points of sale. Regarding “non-surgical or single-layer” masks, this resolution established a maximum retail price of AR$40. With respect to the N-95 or three-layer masks, it limited its sale exclusively to individuals or companies that prove that they are involved in the supply of healthcare services. The Resolution will remain in force for 90 calendar days.

Resolution No. 115/2020 complemented Resolution No. 86 (03.11.2020). Resolution No. 86 had ordered (i) to revert prices of sanitizer gel to the values in force on 02.15.2020 for a period of 90 calendar days, (ii) to request the companies that are part of its production, distribution and marketing chain to increase the production of such goods to the maximum of their full capacity and (iii) compel these companies to report weekly to the Subsecretaría de Acciones para la Defensa de los Consumidores the prices of such goods during the enforcement period of the resolution. Resolution No. 115 clarifies the meaning of “sanitizing gel”, as well as the scope of the periodic information that must be provided to the authority, and explains that this information must be provided through the TAD platform. Lastly, it establishes maximum retail prices for different sanitizer gel presentations.

These Resolutions were published in the Official Gazette on April 17, 2020.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information on this matter.


Agustín Waisman