APRIL 15, 2020

Superintendence of Insurance: suspension of administrative deadlines.



Insurance Department Report | Superintendence of Insurance: suspension of administrative deadlines

Dear Sir or Madam,

Last Monday, April 13, 2020, the Superintendence of Insurance (“SSN”) issued Circular IF-2020-25441839-APN-SSN#ME, which extends the terms established by the Circular IF-2020-17497739-APN-SSN # MEC and the Circular IF-2020-21436607-APN-SSN # MEC.

This means that until April 26, 2020, inclusive, customer service at SSN will be interrupted and the administrative deadlines will be suspended for the same time, in spite of the validity of the procedures fulfilled or that are complied with.

It also set up that the Remote Procedures System from Spanish Trámites a Distancia (“TAD”) will be available and can be used only and exclusively for the procedures provided for such purposes.

All this according to Decree DECNU-2020-355-APN-PTE dated April 11, in order to the pandemic of coronavirus COVID-19.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information on this matter.


Daniel Seoane