MAY 01, 2020

AFIP General Resolutions No. 4705/2020 and No. 4706/2020 – Extension of the suspension of precautionary measures against MiPyMEs – Requirements stated by the Federal Tax Authority to apply the 18% rate regarding social security contributions, as regulated by Section 19(b) of Law No. 27,541.



Tax Law Department Report | AFIP General Resolutions No. 4705/2020 and No. 4706/2020 – Extension of the suspension of precautionary measures against MiPyMEs – Requirements stated by the Federal Tax Authority to apply the 18% rate regarding social security contributions, as regulated by Section 19(b) of Law No. 27,541

Dear Sir or Madam,

We hereby inform you about the following measures with tax impact:

1. General Resolution No. 4705/2020 (Federal Tax Authority) | Extension of the suspension of precautionary measures against micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MiPyMEs by its Spanish acronym).

Through the General Resolution No. 4705/2020, the Federal Tax Authority (the “AFIP”) extended until June 30th, 2020 the suspension of the enforcement of precautionary measures against entities registered as micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the MiPyMEs Register (“Registro de Empresas MiPyMEs”), as well as against entities registered in the Registration System (“Sistema Registral”) as potentials MiPyMEs – Frame I and II (“Potencial Micro, Pequeña y Mediana Empresa – Tramo I y II”).

2. General Resolution No. 4706/2020 (Federal Tax Authority) | Requirements stated by the Federal Tax Authority to apply the 18% rate regarding social security contributions, as regulated by Section 19(b) of Law No. 27,541.

Through the General Resolution No. 4706/2020, the AFIP stated the requirements to be complied by employers from the private sector whose main business activity fits within “Services” or “Commerce” area, as well as by non-profit entities, in order to apply the 18% rate regarding social security contributions, as regulated by Section 19(b) Law No. 27,541.

Affidavits related to the determination of social security liabilities regarding periods December 2019, January 2020, February 2020 and March 2020 may be reissued until May 31st, 2020, without application of General Resolution (AFIP) No. 3093/2011, as long as such amending exclusively derives from the application of the 18% rate.

Should you require any further information on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Santiago L. Montezanti

Santiago L. Montezanti