JULY 01, 2022

Mining Secretariat Resolution No. 46/2022 – Deferral for the filing of affidavits under Law 24.196 is enacted.


Mining Department Report | Mining Secretariat Resolution No. 46/2022 – Deferral for the filing of affidavits under Law 24.196 is enacted

Dear Sir or Madam,

Resolution No. 46/2022, published today in the Official Gazette, extends for 60 calendar days the term for filing the Affidavits regarding Law No. 24,196 on Federal Mining Investments (“FMIL”), Sections 8, 12, 13, 18, and 23, corresponding to the 2021 Fiscal Year.

The extension is effective from the expiration of the original term established by Resolution No. 30/2018, Annex, Section 9, and according to the due date set for the fiscal year 2022 (06.30.2022) by the Federal Tax Authority (“AFIP”), for the filing of the Income Tax Return Affidavit.

The FMIL affidavits include:
(i) Sec. 8: Tax stability.
(ii) Sec. 12: Investments that may be deducted from the income tax balance sheet.
(iii) Sec. 13: Capital investments made for the execution of new mining projects and for the expansion of the productive capacity of mining operations.
(iv) Sec. 18: Work and investments effectively carried out.
(v) Sec. 23: Special provision for Environmental Conservation.

All FMIL affidavits must be made through the TAD platform, as resolved by Resolution No. 60/2021 of the Federal Mining Secretariat. It is worth highlighting that any filing made through a different method than the TAD platform will not be valid for compliance with the requirements of the FMIL and may result in the imposition of sanctions.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information.


Marcos Moreno Hueyo
Dolores Reyes