APRIL 26, 2023

Resolution No. 146/2023 — MAyDS — National Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Plan.


Environmental Law & Climate Change department report | Resolution No. 146/2023 — MAyDS — National Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Plan (24.04.2023)

The second National Plan for Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change (PNAMCC) was approved together with its adaptation, mitigation, or loss and damage measures sheets. It repealed Annexes I, II, III, IV, V, and VII of Resolution No. 447/2019 of the former Government Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development (leaving in force only the Annex VI that contains the Forest and Climate Change Action Plan since it is the technical basis of the external financing project Payments for Results REDD+ Green Climate Fund – GCP/ARG/029/GCF).

The PNAMCC systematizes the national climate policy including the set of measures and instruments to be implemented until 2030 in order to comply with Law No. 27,520 on Minimum Standards for Adaptation and Mitigation of Global Climate Change and its regulatory decree No. 1030/2020. At the same time, the document details the means and actions to be carried out to achieve the adaptation and mitigation goals detailed in the Second Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and its update, submitted by the Argentine Republic to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2020 and 2021, respectively.

The PNAMCC mainly:
I) establishes the conceptual and methodological bases on which it was based for its elaboration.
II) includes a diagnosis for adaptation that includes an analysis of the threats associated with climate change, among other points.
III) determines Argentina’s climate vision for 2030, describing adaptation and mitigation goals (not to exceed net emissions of 359 MtCO2e).
IV) recognizes that Argentina’s climate policy must be strengthened by addressing loss and damage (in addition to the pillars of adaptation and mitigation), which is considered a future risk but also a manifest reality. An analysis of economic loss and damage, especially in the tourism sector, and non-economic loss and damage is presented.
V) establishes a monitoring system to increase the visibility of the actions being carried out and to improve management and verify whether the Plan and the commitments made in the NDC are being fulfilled.
VI) presents an estimate of the estimated costs of implementing the Plan’s measures, giving a final value of US$296.594 million.

The PNAMCC is structured around 4 cross-cutting approaches, 4 instrumental lines and 6 strategic lines. These are:

Cross-cutting approaches:
1. Gender and diversity.
2. Integrated risk management.
3. Health.
4. Fair labour transition.

Instrumental lines:
1. Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE).
2. Financing for transition.
3. Institutional strengthening.
4. Research, development and innovation.

Strategic lines:
1. Biodiversity conservation and common goods.
2. Sustainable management of food systems and forests.
3. Sustainable mobility.
4. Sustainable and resilient territories.
5. Energy transition.
6. Productive transition.

By way of illustration, some of the adaptation measures envisaged in the PNAMCC are mentioned below:
– improving the maintenance of transmission networks, electricity distribution and diversification of energy generation to withstand extreme weather events in the NOA, Cuyo and Patagonia.
– improve sustainable water management and access in rural areas throughout the country (in quantity and quality).
– improve the resilience and adaptive capacity of industrial production systems to floods, droughts, rising temperatures, among other threats, throughout the country.
– Improve the fluvial transit of inputs in the event of extraordinary low flows of the Paraná River.
On the other hand, some of the mitigation measures foreseen in the PNAMCC are mentioned below:
– Strengthen the proper management of packaging waste (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development).
– incorporate renewable energy sources in industries and businesses (Ministry of Industry and Productive Development).
– promote the use of gaseous fuels to replace fossil fuels with a higher GHG emission factor (Ministry of Energy).
– strengthen the value chain of the recycling industry (Secretariat of Industry and Productive Development).
– improve water management, as a priority within mining operations and projects, and complementarily finance water savings in other productive sectors from mining sector funds (Secretariat of Mining).
– increase energy efficiency and incorporate renewable energies in mining projects and operations (Secretariat of Mining).
– incorporate the climate variable in Mine Closure Plans and Environmental Impact Assessment of mining projects (Secretariat of Mining).
– improve water efficiency in industries (Secretariat of Industry and Productive Development).
– promote the recovery of materials/inputs in industries and the adequate treatment of waste (Secretariat of Industry and Productive Development).
– consolidate the productive character of waste and by-products (Secretariat of Industry and Productive Development).
– prevent illegal deforestation and reduce legal deforestation (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development).
– promote forestation (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries).
– promote sustainable management of forest production systems (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries).
– promote forest management with integrated livestock farming (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries).
– analyze the readjustment of the country’s current carbon tax or other carbon pricing mechanisms and instruments (Ministry of Economy).
– encourage the non-financial private sector to move towards climate impact reporting and disclosure standards (Ministry of Economy).
– formulate and implement a National Sustainable Finance Strategy (Ministry of Finance).
– assessing the timeliness, merit and desirability of engaging in emissions trading transactions, whether in the framework of the implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement or other market schemes (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development).
– developing a Sustainable Sovereign Bond Framework that defines general and specific principles for green, social and/or sustainable thematic bond issues (Ministry of Economy).
– promote the inclusion of glaciers in protected areas (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development).
– promote the sustainable use of wetlands (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development).
– promoting the inclusion of clauses and content related to ecology and green employment in collective bargaining (Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security).
– reduce emissions from Argentinean aviation (National Civil Aviation Administration).
– Promote the renewal of the fleet of vehicles used in the distribution of goods and last-mile packages (Ministry of Transport).

Please, do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information on this matter.


Manuel Frávega