MAY 26, 2020

AFIP General Resolution No. 4719/2020: Supplementary Salary Allocation Benefit.



Labor & Social Security Law Department Report | AFIP General Resolution No. 4719/2020: Supplementary Salary Allocation Benefit

Dear Sir or Madam,

AFIP General Resolution No. 4719/2020 (the “General Resolution”), published in the Official Gazette on May 19th, implements the restitution of the Supplementary Salary Allocation Benefit.

The General Resolution states that:

(i) Employers who reimburse the benefit of allocation of the Complementary Salary must generate the corresponding Electronic Payment Flyer (“VEP”) in accordance with the following codes:

• Reimbursement of complementary salary: tax / concept / subconcept (ICS) 016-019-019.
• Reimbursement of complementary salary – financial interests: tax / concept / subconcept (ICS) 016-019-095.

Subsequently, they must report the number of workers included in the ATP and the amount to be transferred to the agency through the service with the Tax Code called “Digital Presentations”.

(ii) Deadlines for transfer of the reimbursement shall be the following:

• Salaries accrued during April 2020, until May 31, 2020, inclusively.

• Salaries accrued during May 2020 and following periods -in case the benefit is extended-: until the 20th day, inclusively, of the month in which the payment was made.

• In those cases in which the period operated between the payment date of the benefit and the expiration date of the transfer to AFIP is less than 5 business days, the employer may transfer the corresponding amounts within this last term.

(iii) That the interest to be applied on the principal amount (amount of the benefit that is reimbursed) will be calculated from the date in which the sums have been credited in the workers’ accounts, until the effective transfer to AFIP.

(iv) The total amount of interest will arise from applying to the principal amount the evolution of the Reference Stabilization Coefficient (CER) between said dates.

(v) That AFIP will proceed to deposit within 48 hours the amounts transferred to the account indicated by the National Social Security Administration.

Should you require any further information on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Alvaro J. Galli