MAY 12, 2020

AFIP General Resolution No. 4710/2020: export reference values.



International Trade and Customs Department report | AFIP General Resolution No. 4710/2020: export reference values

Dear Sir or Madam,

Within the measures implemented as a consequence of the public, economic, financial, fiscal, administrative, pensión, tariff, energetic, sanitary and social emergency of the country, declared by Statute No. 27.541, General Resolution No. 4710/2020 —issued by the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP for its acronym in Spanish)—, was published yesterday in the Official Gazette, modifying the selectivity system on value appraisal matters regarding goods for export, in order to protect fiscal incomes.

General Resolution No. 4710/2020 intends to add a primary control over export values, by implementing precautionary reference values. Concretely, the new General Resolution determines that:

a) Customs Service will set forth precautionary reference values, for any goods within the Tariff Code, which will be published in the Official Gazette.
b) Definitive export dispatches for consumption wherein values are declared below the referential established value, will necessarily undergo through the channel of verification Red Value.
c) Definitive export dispatches for consumption wherein values are declared below the referential established value, will selectively undergo the channel of verification Red Value.

This is to say that, in any case where the documented value has deviated from the referential established value, the channel of verification Red Value may be assigned. If the documented value is inferior to the referential value, said allocation will be unavoidable; however, if the documented value is superior to the referential value, such allocation will be discretionary of the Customs Service.

Please note that the remaining causes of the allocation of this channel of verification are still valid, even when the documented value does not deviate from the referential value.

The allocation of the channel of verification Red Value does not necessarily imply a value adjustment; but rather the analysis of the export dispatch and its complementary documentation which can lead to either: a) acceptation of the documented value; b) rejection and adjustment of the documented value; or, c) a value investigation, that can end in a value adjustment, or not. Neither does the allocation of this verification channel imply a halt in the export operation nor the physical examination of the goods, but only the electronic consult of the export dispatch’s docket and its complementary documentation, to the effects stated herein.

The selection of the goods to be submitted to the value control under analysis will be conducted by the Criterial and Referential Values Division within the Department of Value Appraisal and Documental Review Management of the Directorate of Value Appraisal and Documental Review, based on comparative studies of usual and reasonable market values; as well as identic and similar goods values; and other evaluations and research presented by different areas of the National Government, previous evaluation by Customs.

Notwithstanding, within the aspects to be considered for the selection of this universe of goods, the implemented measure invites to a dialogue with the chambers, federations and other organizations representative of commerce and industries, as well as the exporting sector, through the presentation of request and proposals.

Please contact us for any doubts or queries on the abovementioned subject.


Guido Hernán Krolovetzky