APRIL 03, 2020

Resolution 282/2020 of the Superintendence of Health Services: implementation and encouragement of the use of teleassistance and/or teleconsultation platforms for Health Insurance Entities.



Healthcare & Life Sciences Department Report | Resolution 282/2020 of the Superintendence of Health Services: implementation and encouragement of the use of teleassistance and/or teleconsultation platforms for Health Insurance Entities.

On April 1, 2020, the Superintendence of Health Services (Superintendencia de Servicios de Salud) issued the Resolution 282/2020, published at the Official Gazette on April 2, 2020 (“Resolution”) by means of which it recommended that for the as long as the mandatory, social, preventive isolation measure is in place, Health Insurance Entities should implement and encourage the use of teleassistance and/or teleconsultation platforms, in order to guarantee essential demand benefits.

The Resolution itself establishes that “Teleassitance and/or teleconsultation” must be understood as all healthcare services and/or consultations performed remotely, through the use of appropriate technologies that guarantee the provision of the service in a timely manner and under appropriate quality conditions, ensuring immediate intervention in a context of the health crisis.

The Health Insurance Entities must determine the number of sessions or consultations authorized under the modality of teleassistance and/or teleconsultation and define the processes used in each case, as well as the subsequent audit of the benefits provided by teleassistance and/or teleconsultation platforms.

It must be ensured that the data that is collected through teleassistance and/or teleconsultation platforms and the treatment that is given, with greater emphasis in the case of sensitive data, respects at all times the provisions of Law No. 25,326, Protection of Personal Data.

Additionally, the Resolution reinforces the provisions of resolution 696/2020 published on April 1, 2020, in the B.O. when pointing out that the prescriptions of medications must comply with the terms of said Resolution.

The Resolution is applicable in the City of Buenos Aires, and all jurisdictions are invited to adhere to it.

Should you require any further information on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Ana Andrés