APRIL 01, 2020

Resolution 132/2020 of the Ministry of Production: creation of the Support Program for the National Productive System in the Area of ​​Medical Equipment and Medical and Health Supplies and Technological Solutions within the framework of the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19).



Healthcare & Life Sciences Department Report | Resolution 132/2020 of the Ministry of Production: creation of the Support Program for the National Productive System in the Area of ​​Medical Equipment and Medical and Health Supplies and Technological Solutions within the framework of the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19).

On March 31, 2020 the Ministry of Production of Argentina (Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo) issued the Resolution 132/2020, published at the Official Gazette on April 1, 2020 (“Resolution”), by means of which it created the Support Program for the National Productive System in the Area of ​​Medical Equipment and Medical and Health Supplies and Technological Solutions within the framework of the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) (Programa de Apoyo al Sistema Productivo Nacional en el Área de Equipamiento Médico e Insumos Médicos y Sanitarios y Soluciones Tecnológicas en el marco de la Pandemia Coronavirus) (the “Program”).

In the context of the pandemic that the country is facing, and considering that the emergency situation that is going through generates an indirect impact on the national productive matrix and, in particular, on the companies and entrepreneurs that carry out low-scale productive ventures, it was considered necessary to adopt opportune measures that contribute to strengthening the health system, among others, that directly and/or indirectly impact the productive development of the country.

In order to advance in this direction, it was created the Program to make available the financing instruments of the Ministry of Production and thus provide financial assistance and support to companies, entrepreneurs and public institutions that develop productive and technological solutions in the Argentine territory, mainly in the medical-health sector, whose purpose is to contribute to the approach, containment, treatment and mitigation of the Coronavirus COVID-19.

• The Support Program for the National Productive System in the Area of Medical Equipment and Medical and Health Supplies and Technological Solutions is created within the framework of the Coronavirus Pandemic COVID-19.

• The Program is established with the aim of assisting and financing the public health sector and companies, entrepreneurs and public institutions, within the framework of the health emergency situation, in accordance with the objectives detailed in Annex I of the Resolution that we attach to this report for you knowledge.

• The different areas of the Ministry of Production are empowered to carry out all necessary actions to implement the Program.

• It is established the obligation of the heads of the different areas of the Ministry of Production to adapt the administrative procedures in order to mitigate the local impact of the health emergency, requesting only the requirements that are strictly necessary for the granting of the benefits of the Program was established.

• The Resolution will enter into force upon its publication in the Official Gazette.

Should you require any further information on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Ana Andrés