APRIL 12, 2024

Decree No. 302/2024: Repeal of Decree of Necessity and Urgency No. 690/2020


TMT (Telecoms, Media, Technology) Department Report | Decree No. 302/2024: Repeal of Decree of Necessity and Urgency No. 690/2020

On April 10, 2024, Decree No. 302/2024 (the “Decree”) was published in the Official Gazette, which repeals the Necessity and Urgency Decree No. 690/2020 (the “DNU”) that amended the Argentine Digital Law No. 27.078 (“Argentine Digital Law”).

The modifications introduced by the DNU included: (i) the stipulation that the National Communications Agency (“ENACOM”), as the enforcing authority of the Argentine Digital Law, was required to establish the mandatory basic universal service and ensure the effective availability of ICT Services, (ii) mobile telephony services in all their forms were declared a public service, with ENACOM being responsible for setting the prices of these services and establishing the mandatory basic universal service provision for them; (iii) a freeze on any price increases or changes that were established or announced from July 31 to December 31, 2020 by ICT licensees, including broadcasting services via physical link or radio, services related to landline or mobile telephony in any form, and satellite television subscription services.

Furthermore, the Decree repeals the second paragraph of Article 48 of the Argentine Digital Law, which stated that “the rates of essential and strategic public services in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in competition, those provided by the Universal Service, and those determined by the Enforcement Authority for reasons of public interest, may be regulated by it.”

To access the full text of the Decree, please visit the following link: Decree 302/2020.

We remain at your disposal for any additional information you may require.


Emilio Beccar Varela

Florencia Rosati