JULY 26, 2023

New obligatory domain .seg.ar for insurance companies in Argentina


Joint report of the Insurance & Reinsurance and Intellectual Property — Patents & Trademarks departments | New obligatory domain .seg.ar for insurance companies in Argentina

We would like to inform you that NIC Argentina (the organization responsible for managing and administering the registration of the domain names ending in “.ar”) has created a new internet domain extension called .seg.ar, exclusively for entities authorized by the Superintendence of National Insurance (SSN). It is mandatory for insurance companies to register a domain name under this extension, as stated in Resolution No. 314/2023 issued by the SSN.

Should you require our assistance in the domain name registration process under this extension, we are at your disposal to help and address any doubts or inquiries you may have.

Daniel Seoane
Florencia Rosati