JUNE 06, 2024

National Public Investment Plan 2025-2027: Criteria for Prioritizing Investment Projects


Public Law department report | National Public Investment Plan 2025-2027: Criteria for Prioritizing Investment Projects

On May 31, 2024, Joint Resolution 31/2024 of the Executive Secretariat of Government of Chief of Cabinet of Ministers and the Secretariat of Finance of the Ministry of Economy was published in the Official Gazette. Through this resolution, the criteria for prioritizing investment projects in the National Public Investment Plan 2025-2027 are determined, which are as follows:

– Projects initiated, e. those currently in the execution stage.

– Projects to be initiated that: (a) have a positive impact on job creation; (b) promote export activity; (c) contribute to improving the energetic balance; (d) enhance technological development; (e) have a valid technical qualification report issued by the National Directorate of Public Investment; (f) have pre-feasibility or feasibility studies reported to the National Directorate of Public Investment; (g) have external financing from credit operations in progress and potentially in preparation, endorsed by the Finance Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy.

It is important to note that, as stated in its legal grounds, the prioritization criteria established represent only a scheme for organizing and classifying information from the Public Investment Projects Bank (BAPIN, for its acronym in Spanish), without implying automatic selection and/or credit allocation of capital expenditures from the National Budget.

We remain at your disposal for any additional information you may require.

Oscar Aguilar Valdez

Santiago Barbaran