AUGUST 06, 2020

Ministry of Production − Mining Secretariat − Resolution No. 47/2020: Strategic Planning – Management programs − Strategic Objectives.



Mining Law Department Report | Ministry of Production − Mining Secretariat − Resolution No. 47/2020: Strategic Planning – Management programs − Strategic Objectives

Dear Sir or Madam,

The purpose of Resolution No. 47/2020 is to approve the “Strategic Planning” aimed at building common ground and a new role for the organization, based on the strategic objectives provided by the “Strategic Plan for Argentine Mining Development” with the purpose of integrating the mining activity in the national productive development under criteria of rational, sustainable and inclusive use of natural resources (the “Strategic Plan”).

The Strategic Plan is established as an initiative to elaborate a general future strategy for national mining development in the next thirty years, which guarantees legal security, certainty, predictability, and stability.

The Strategic Plan has two main aspects. The first, oriented to the long term, is articulated on the elaboration of consensus around a common ground for the development of the activity, identifying the main public and private initiatives required to achieve it. The second aspect consists of the accomplishment of the activities established in the Strategic Plan, with the short- and medium-term actions proposed by the Mining Secretariat.

In order to comply with its political-institutional objectives in the current period of government, a plan has been formulated consisting of a total of eighteen management programs, oriented as a whole into seven Strategic Objectives that the Mining Secretariat proposes throughout the period of government corresponding to the years 2020 to 2023.

First Strategic Objective: to promote the sustainable development of the activity from the mining sector. Promote investments in exploration and exploitation.
To take full advantage of the deposits. Increase the mining contribution in the Gross National Product.
1. Promotion and Reactivation of Mining Investments (Proyecto por Proyecto).
2. Technical and Financial Assistance to Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Mining companies.
3. Identification of Business Opportunities for Small and Medium Enterprises Mining companies (SMEs).
4. Promotion of Foreign Direct Investment in Mining (+ IED Minera).
5. Participation of National Capital in Argentine Mining Development.

Second Strategic Objective: to ensure correspondence between the fiscal cost of mining promotion policies and the effective development of the investment.
6. Annual Control Program (PAF).
7. Optimization of the registry of beneficiaries of Law No. 24,196 and its amendments.

Third Strategic Objective: to transform the development of mining activity into opportunities for the integral development of individuals and communities.
8. Assistance to Producers and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Mining companies.
9. Strengthening the Mining Value Chain.
10. Strategic Development of Physical Capital.

Fourth Strategic Objective: to communicate to the community the potential of the framework of the national productive development model, seeking to dissemination and legitimization of mining activity.
11. Communication of the Mining Potential.

Fifth Strategic Objective: to promote access to information related to activity and the Federal Mining Policy, guaranteeing the transparent management of the sector.
12. Management digitalization system (for the generation of information).
13. Unique System of Mining Information.
14. Transparency and governance initiatives for sustainable mining.

Sixth Strategic Objective: to contribute to environmental preservation by exercising the supervision established by Law No. 24,585 and guaranteeing the use and sustainable use of natural resources.
15. National Mining Sustainability Program.
16. Community Development.
17. Diagnosis of Environmental Assets and Liabilities in Mining.

Seventh Strategic Objective: to articulate governance in commitments international, regional, provincial and local, strengthening the international.
18. Natural Resources Governance Program.

Should you require any further information on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Marcos Moreno Hueyo
Dolores Reyes