JUNE 17, 2021

Grunin Prize Winner Helped Argentinian Network Of Municipalities Step Up Sustainable Purchasing



Back in 2018, a network of Argentinian municipalities aiming to fight climate change were looking for help—specifically, they needed a method through which they could make significant environmentally-oriented purchases that were also cost-effective and high-quality. They ended up choosing Beccar Varela, a Buenos Aires-based law firm, to develop, structure and implement the arrangement.

It took two years, but the legal team ended up devising a legal structure that would let the municipalities share funding and accomplish their goal. Last year, they did their first project—an initiative to install LED street lighting—and there are six more in the works.

The team also recently won the annual Grunin Prize for Law and Social Entrepreneurship, an award from NYU School of Law’s Grunin Center for Law and Social Entrepreneurship that recognizes lawyers who have developed innovative structures to help advance social entrepreneurship and impact investing. That also underscores an issue that often flies under the radar: the importance of creative work by lawyers to make impact happen…

Keywords: Institutional News · Awards · Recognitions   

Grunin Prize Winner Helped Argentinian Network Of Municipalities Step Up Sustainable Purchasing
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