FEBRUARY 06, 2023

Renewable Energies: Resolution No. 36/2023 – “RenMDI” call tenders for renewables and energy storage.


Power Department Report | Renewable Energies: Resolution No. 36/2023 – “RenMDI” call tenders for renewables and energy storage

Through Resolution No. 36/2023, dated January 31st, 2023, the Secretary of Energy approved the Bidding Terms and Conditions Guidelines “RenMDI” for contracting power from renewable sources in the Wholesale Electric Market (WEM). In this way, the Secretary of Energy is calling those interested in submitting offers in the “RenMDI” to enter into renewable power purchase agreements with CAMMESA, who will act on behalf of Distributors and Large Users of the Wholesale Electric Market until its reassignment to the Distribution Agents and/or Large Users of the WEM.

The total Required Power to be awarded in the call is 620 MW, which will be distributed by Item, Technology, Region, and Province as follows:

a) Item 1 “Renewable Generation to replace Forced Generation” for Biomass, Solar Photovoltaic, Solar Photovoltaic with Storage and Wind with Storage Technologies, with a maximum power of 500 MW, with the following caps per region:

b) Item 2 “Renewable Generation to Diversify the Matrix” for Biogas, Landfill Biogas, Small Hydroelectric and Biomass Technologies, with a maximum power of 120 MW with the following caps per Technology:

The Biomass projects presented and not awarded in respect of Item 1 will be added to the Biomass projects that have been presented exclusively for Item 2.

The maximum capacity caps by region will only apply to those projects submitted under Item 1. For projects submitted under Item 2, all regions of the country will be considered.

Regardless of the capacity indicated, the maximum number of projects to be assigned for each technology will be seven (7).

In the event there are projects not being awarded with offered prices below 90% of the maximum prices for each technology, then the maximum number of projects awarded may be increased up to ten (10) only if the enforcement authority allows it.

Offered capacity will be limited to a minimum of 3 MW and a maximum of 20 MW for Item 1 and a minimum capacity of 0.5 MW up to a maximum capacity of 20 MW for Item 2.

The Maximum Price for each Technology is the following:

The commercial operating date (COD) shall be obtained within 1095 days (Item 1) and within 1460 days (Item 2), to be counted from the execution of the power purchase agreement, plus a maximum extension of 365 days.

Generation Plants corresponding to Regions 1, 2, and 3 of Item 1 will have Dispatch Priority in the terms provided by Article 7, Subsection 3 of Resolution ex MEyM No. 281/2017. Generation Plants awarded for Regions 4, 5, and 6 of Item 1 and those that are awarded under Item 2 will not have Dispatch Priority, being excluded from the priority provided for in Article 7, Paragraph 3 of Resolution ex MEyM No. 281/2017.

José Carlos Cueva
Ricardo Castañeda
Pablo Ignacio Godoy