MAY 07, 2020

Disposition No. 3/2020 of the Under Secretariat of Open Government and Digital Country – “COVID-19 Ministry of Health” database.



Data Privacy & Data Protection Department Report | Disposition No. 3/2020 of the Under Secretariat of Open Government and Digital Country – “COVID-19 Ministry of Health” database

Dear Sir or Madam,

The Under Secretariat of Open Government and Digital Country published Disposition No. 3/2020 yesterday, creating the “COVID-19 Ministry of Health” database (the “Database”) under the terms of article 22 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 25,326, in order to store and centralize the data collected by the COVID 19-Ministry of Health Application, available in its mobile and web version (the “COVID 19 App”).

The Database will be made up of the following user data:
• Address declared by the user
• National identity document
• Age
• Email
• Cell phone number
• If you have a feverish state
• If you have a cough
• If you have a sore throat
• If you are pregnant
• If you have cancer
• If you have diabetes
• If you have liver disease
• If you have chronic kidney disease
• If you have respiratory disease
• If you have a cardiological disease
• Georeferencing

The data collected through the COVID-19 App will be provided voluntarily by users, with the exception of georeferencing, which is obtained automatically.

The information stored in the Database may be transferred by the Under Secretariat of Open Government and Digital Country to the jurisdictions, entities, and agencies of the National Public Administration in a dissociated manner, whenever possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information on this matter.


Emilio Beccar Varela
Florencia Rosati