MARCH 27, 2020

Decree No. 313/2020 of the National Executive Branch on the prohibition to enter the country to Argentine residents and nationals residing abroad.



International Trade & Customs Department Report  | Decree No. 313/2020 of the National Executive Branch on the prohibition to enter the country to Argentine residents and nationals residing abroad.

Today, Decree No. 313/2020 was published at the Official Gazette. This new Decree expands the prohibition to enter the country to Argentine residents and nationals residing abroad. This measure shall be in force until 31 March 2020, with the possibility of being extended.

Note that Decree No. 274/2020 had forbidden non-resident foreigners to enter the country in order to reduce the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) throughout the country. Currently, this measure has been extended to nationals and residents that are abroad.

However, note that the Decree maintains the current exceptions, namely:

(i) Staff conducting international trade operations by land, air, sea, river or lake;

(ii) Ships and aircraft crew members;

(iii) Staff performing sanitary flights and transfers.

In addition, passengers in airside transit by the time this Decree was published and entering the country in the following 48 hours are also exempted.

Find a copy of Decree No. 313/2020 in this link.

Finally, do not hesitate to contact us for any further clarifications or comments.

Quedamos a disposición ante cualquier consulta.


Augusto Vechio