JUNE 09, 2020

Necessity and Urgency Decree No. 520/2020: mandatory and preventive social insulation and social distancing.



Public Law Department Report | Necessity and Urgency Decree No. 520/2020: mandatory and preventive social insulation and social distancing

Dear Sir or Madam,

Within the state of the sanitary emergency currently in force, the President issued the Necessity and Urgency Decree No. 520/2020 – published on June 8th, 2020- which stated two schemes based on the epidemiology situation of each jurisdiction: mandatory and preventive social insulation and social distancing.

Along its first chapter, said Decree identifies the jurisdictions that will be subjected to the Social Distancing regime, being them: every department belonging to the provinces of Catamarca, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Formosa, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Neuquén, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur, Tucumán, Chaco, except for San Fernando, Chubut, except for Rawson, Río Negro, except for Bariloche and General Roca, Córdoba, except por Córdoba City and its urban agglomerate, and Buenos Aires, except for the forty (40) municipalities belonging to the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (from the Spanish AMBA).

Social distancing requires compliance with the following requirements: (i) an adequate health system with the capacity to respond the sanitary demand, (ii) that the jurisdiction is not considered as of viral community transmission by the National Sanity Authority, (iii) confirmed cases duplication time isn’t inferior to 15 days. Moreover, the Decree states people’s circulation is only allowed within the limit of their department or municipality, unless for those with Unique Circulation Certificate. Specific conduct parameters will need to be fulfilled, e.g., a minimum distance of 2 meters.

Also, it is important to point out that for the development of economical, industrial, business or services activities a special protocol is to be required, approved by the sanitary authority and always limiting closed spaces to 50% of its capacity.

Furthermore, the prohibition to develop the following activities is still maintained: (i) public or private events with an attendance of more than 10 people, (ii) the practice of any sports with more than 10 people or that won’t allow a 2-meter distancing, (iii) cinemas, theaters, clubs, cultural centers, (iv) public transportation service for interurban, inter-jurisdictional and international passengers, except for the exceptions previously established (i.e., essential activities), (v) touristic activities.

In its second chapter, Decree No. 520/2020 establishes Mandatory and Preventing Social Insulation for the following jurisdictions: the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, as defined in the Decree, San Fernando department in the province of Chaco, Bariloche and General Roca departments in the province of Río Negro, Rawson department in the province of Chubut, Córdoba City, and its urban area.

New exceptions can only be ordered by the Ministers Chief of Staff, prior request from local authorities and intervention of sanitary authorities, identifying the protocol to be followed.

Also, Mandatory and Preventing Social Insulation maintains restrictions for the development of activities implying people’s reunion; among others, those concerning public and private events, teaching classes, shopping malls, and tourism.

Lastly, said Decree has the third chapter including common dispositions to both Mandatory and Preventing Social Insulation and Social Distancing, mainly regarding epidemiology monitoring schemes, the restriction to circulate for suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases, and the extension of the closure of Argentine borders.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information.


Juan Antonio Stupenengo
Florencia Cairella