APRIL 20, 2020

Administrative Decision No. 524/2020: new services and activities to be considered essential during the emergency within certain jurisdictions.



Public Law Department Report | Administrative Decision No. 524/2020: new services and activities to be considered essential during the emergency within certain jurisdictions

Dear Sir or Madam,

Within the state of sanitary emergency currently in force, on April 18, 2020, the Federal Chief of Staff issued Administrative Decree No. 524/2020, though which new essential services and activities were exempted of the Mandatory Isolation Measure stated by Decree No. 927/2020 within the scope of the following provinces: La Pampa, Neuquén, Formosa, Santa Cruz, Corrientes, Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur, Salta, San Juan, Córdoba, Jujuy, La Rioja, Chubut, Catamarca, Río Negro, Entre Ríos, Mendoza, Santa Fe, Chaco, Buenos Aires, San Luis y Misiones and the City of Buenos Aires. Said activities are the following:

1. Facilities for collection and payment of services and taxes;
2. Sales offices within the provinces, the City of Buenos Aires and local jurisdictions, with minimum guards and assigned turns;
3. National and Provincial registry activity (from the Spanish actividad registral), with minimum guards and assigned turns;
4. Selling of already elaborated goods, by e-commerce platforms, pone or other mechanisms that do not require personal contact with clients and by the modality of house-to-house delivery, with the corresponding sanitary measures, protocols and controlled logistic. The public opening is not allowed.
5. Medical and dental programmed care attention, preventive and for the follow-up of chronic diseases, with assigned turns;
6. Clinical Labs for analysis and image diagnosis centers, with assigned turns;
7. Vision locals, with assigned turns;
8. Experts and claim liquidators in insurance companies in order to allow the liquidation and payment of reported claims. No public attention is allowed and everything is to be developed digitally.
9. Facilities destined for the attention of gender violence victims.
10. Production for export, with previous authorization of the Federal Productive Development Ministry.
11. Specific industrial processes, with previous authorization of the Productive Development Ministry.

In all of the said cases, people must follow sanitary recommendations and instructions, including special protocols and shift works, among others. The mentioned services and activities are authorized subject to the implementation and compliance of sanitary protocols set forth by each jurisdiction.

Each provincial jurisdiction must enact the required regulations for the development of the required services and activities, being allowed to limit their scope to certain areas or to determine specific requirements, according to the local epidemiology situation and the specific characteristics of each place.

All of the aforementioned exceptions might be overruled by local Governors or the Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires within their territories, both total or partially, in accordance with the recommendations of provincial sanitary authorities. Said decisions must be communicated to the Federal Chief of Staff.

The Federal Chief of Staff can, at any time, overrule any of the exceptions included in Administrative Decision No. 524/2020 with the intervention of the federal sanitary authority.

Those included in the new exceptions must obtain the Unique Certificate for Circulation – COVID-19, except those included in points 2, 3, 5, 6 y 7, who must circulate with the document corresponding to their assigned turn. Also, those included in point 1 will not require the Unique Certificate for Circulation if referring to facilities close to their domiciles, as well as those circulating in order to report gender violence cases.

Please do not hesitate in coming back to us should you have any queries.

Kind regards,

Juan Antonio Stupenengo
Florencia Cairella