APRIL 08, 2020

Administrative Decision No. 467/2020: The mandatory social isolation policy – Exception for certain notary public acts.



Public Law Department Report | Administrative Decision No. 467/2020: The mandatory social isolation policy – Exception for certain notary public acts

Dear Sir or Madam,

Within the current sanitary emergency, the Federal Chief of Ministers issued its Administrative Decision No. 467/2020, published in the Official Gazette yesterday, through which it expanded upon the activities exempted from the mandatory social isolation policy, imposed by Decree No. 294/2020, in order to include “notary public’s activities, limited exclusively to facilitating activities and services exempted from the mandatory isolation measure”. Intervention in acts to be notarized is limited to those persons deemed essential, while meetings shall be avoided. Those who intervene in such acts must obtain the corresponding circulation permit.

Certain rules are set for notary publics, namely:
• Notary publics shall state the reasons that justify their intervention in the documents they notarize, with express reference to Decree No. 297/2020 and Administrative Decision No. 467/2020.
• They shall notify the corresponding Professional College, within ten (10) days of the Mandatory Isolation Policy being lifted, of any acts were they intervened and prove that they have complied with the requirement mentioned above.

Professional Colleges shall remain closed and will only maintain minimal shifts for the formalization and protocolization of acts celebrated within the terms of Administrative Decision No. 467/2020.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information.


Juan Antonio Stupenengo
Vicente Kenny