JUNE 15, 2021

Personal Data: Access to Public Information Agency (“AAPI”) republished some tips for more secure video calls.


Personal Data: Access to Public Information Agency (“AAPI”) republished some tips for more secure video calls.

The Agency for Access to Public Information (“AAPI”) reissued the following recommendations to keep in mind every time we log on to a platform to make or participate in a video call that had been published on 8 April 2020 on its website:

• Read the privacy policies and terms and conditions of the mobile apps or platforms you are going to use. Companies should ask for your consent to process your personal data and it should be in writing or other similar means, in a clear and simple manner.

• Sometimes, when the product is “free”, they may use your personal data for other purposes. Companies have to inform you in advance what these other purposes are and their consequences, the recipients and, if they are stored in a database, the name and contact details of the data controller, so that you can exercise your rights.

• If a video call is recorded, you should be informed beforehand, explicitly and specifically, along with the purpose of the use of those images.

• Use platforms that allow passwords to be set for rooms or calls, in addition to an ID that only those invited to participate have.

Click here to read the news item.