OCTOBER 24, 2018

Beccar Varela advises Corporación Andina de Fomento on financing to YPF.



Buenos Aires, 24 October 2018. Beccar Varela advised CAF-Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina on the granting of a loan worth US$50,000,000 to YPF S.A.

The company will use the loan proceeds to finance one of its investment plans, which consists of the execution of midstream gas projects within the territory of Argentina.

Legal counsel to the borrower

In-house counsels: Fernando Gomez Zanou and Francisco Gáspari.

Legal counsel to the lender

Beccar Varela: Partner Pablo José Torretta and associates Carolina Serra and Gonzalo J. Ochoa.

In-house counsels: Américo Lorenzo, Jorge Velarde and Gonzalo Soriano.