MAY 13, 2022

BYMA’s adhesion to the TCFD initiative.


Joint Report by the Capital Markets and Environmental Law & Climate Change Departments | BYMA’s adhesion to the TCFD initiative

Dear Sir or Madam,

On May 10th, 2022, Bolsas y Mercados Argentinos S.A. (BYMA) adhered to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) working group, in order to promote better practices both as a company and as a market.

TCFD aims to improve and increase climate-related financial reporting and is promoted by the Financial Stability Board. Through the guidelines provided by TCFD, they collaborate with companies in their task of providing risks and opportunities related to climate through reports.

Thus, BYMA aims to contribute by being a reference case in the creation of conditions that allow generating positive economic, social, and environmental impacts, not only in markets but also in key actors.

Recently, BYMA implemented different measures in favor of climate change, such as the Sustainability Index, the Panel on Social, Green, and Sustainable Bonds, and the Panel on Bonds Linked to Sustainability, whit the purpose of allowing the development of new financial products that grant issuers, investors and stakeholders in general, the possibility of being part of the objectives set by the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, as well as aligning with the UN Global Pact principles.

Do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information on this matter.


Luciana Denegri
Manuel Frávega