MAY 11, 2020

Resolution No. 442/2020 of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (ENACOM) | Extensions.



TMT Department Report | Resolution No. 442/2020 of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (ENACOM) | Extensions

Dear Sir or Madam,

Resolution No. 442/2020 of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (ENACOM), published in the Official Gazette on May 8, 2020, extends from April 27 to May 10, both inclusive:

• The measures provided in ENACOM Resolution No. 300/2020 -extended by Resolutions 326/2020 and 359/2020- i.e., the suspension of public attention in said body and the granting of exceptional licenses to those ENACOM workers who fall within one of the following population groups: people over 65 years of age, pregnant and postpartum, workers of the labor inclusion program for people with disabilities, workers with pathological history, among others.

• The suspension of all those administrative procedures in progress that were pending at ENACOM, including those related to the filing of appeals and other special procedures, without prejudice to the validity of the acts accomplished or to be accomplished and the exceptions listed below:

a) the payment of the different rates, rights, investment contributions, taxes, levies and/or tariffs that ENACOM receives, which may be paid through the different electronic mechanisms enabled for this purpose,

b) all administrative procedures related to the public emergency declared by Law No. 27,541, and

c) the list of files that are attached here as an Annex (in Spanish).

Please, do not hesitate to contact us should you require any additional information on this matter.


Emilio Beccar Varela
Florencia Rosati